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作者: JC, 更新日期: 2016-04-17
这是原先一个网友提的问题,当时我咨询了Qingqing Miao律师,得到的答案也就post到这里了。


我想现在注册一个公司,主要是卖一些国内的材料实验用品到美国实验室和小公司。我在芝加哥,您认为我在Delaware注册好,还是Illinois注册好? 我预计将来的生意不会局限于芝加哥地区,如果为了节省资金的话,在哪儿注册好呢?现在只有我一个人在弄,应该是注册LLC比较好,是吧?我有绿卡。


First this question cannot really be answered fully without legal consultation.

The short answer is an LLC is probably a good option unless the revenue is going to be very high (i.e. 1 million USD or so) because of LLC's pass-through taxation.

Whether or not you are going to do business beyond the Chicago area is not really relevant to the decision of where to incorporate. Although incorporating Delaware offers certain benefits such as flexible laws, inexpensive registration fees & more matured commercial law (particularly case law), in my opinion, it is probably more convenient and economical for startups to incorporate in their principal place of business.

Answer provided by:
Qingqing Miao
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